Oracle Database

Oracle Database
Developer(s) Oracle Corporation
Development status Active
Written in C, C++[1]
Available in Multi-lingual
License Proprietary

The Oracle Database (commonly referred to as Oracle RDBMS or simply as Oracle) is an object-relational database management system (ORDBMS)[2] produced and marketed by Oracle Corporation.

Larry Ellison and his friends and former co-workers Bob Miner and Ed Oates started the consultancy Software Development Laboratories (SDL) in 1977. SDL developed the original version of the Oracle software. The name Oracle comes from the code-name of a CIA-funded project Ellison had worked on while previously employed by Ampex.[3]


Physical and logical structures

An Oracle database system—identified by an alphanumeric system identifier or SID[4]—comprises at least one instance of the application, along with data storage. An instance—identified persistently by an instantiation number (or activation id: SYS.V_$DATABASE.ACTIVATION#)—comprises a set of operating-system processes and memory-structures that interact with the storage. Typical processes include PMON (the process monitor) and SMON (the system monitor).

Users of the Oracle databases refer to the server-side memory-structure as the SGA (System Global Area). The SGA typically holds cache information such as data-buffers, SQL commands, and user information. In addition to storage, the database consists of online redo logs (or logs), which hold transactional history. Processes can in turn archive the online redo logs into archive logs (offline redo logs), which provide the basis (if necessary) for data recovery and for some forms of data replication.

If the Oracle database administrator has implemented Oracle RAC (Real Application Clusters), then multiple instances, usually on different servers, attach to a central storage array. This scenario offers advantages such as better performance, scalability and redundancy. However, support becomes more complex, and many sites do not use RAC. In version 10g, grid computing introduced shared resources where an instance can use (for example) CPU resources from another node (computer) in the grid.

The Oracle DBMS can store and execute stored procedures and functions within itself. PL/SQL (Oracle Corporation's proprietary procedural extension to SQL), or the object-oriented language Java can invoke such code objects and/or provide the programming structures for writing them.


The Oracle RDBMS stores data logically in the form of tablespaces and physically in the form of data files ("datafiles").[5] Tablespaces can contain various types of memory segments, such as Data Segments, Index Segments, etc. Segments in turn comprise one or more extents. Extents comprise groups of contiguous data blocks. Data blocks form the basic units of data storage.

There is also a partitioning feature available on newer versions of the database, which allows tables to be partitioned based on different set of keys. Specific partitions can then be easily added or dropped to help manage large data sets.

Oracle database management tracks its computer data storage with the help of information stored in the SYSTEM tablespace. The SYSTEM tablespace contains the data dictionary—and often (by default) indexes and clusters. A data dictionary consists of a special collection of tables that contains information about all user-objects in the database. Since version 8i, the Oracle RDBMS also supports "locally managed" tablespaces which can store space management information in bitmaps in their own headers rather than in the SYSTEM tablespace (as happens with the default "dictionary-managed" tablespaces). Version 10g and later introduced the SYSAUX tablespace which contains some of the tables formerly in the SYSTEM tablespace.

Disk files

Disk files primarily consist of the following types:

At the physical level, data files comprise one or more data blocks, where the block size can vary between data files.

Data files can occupy pre-allocated space in the file system of a computer server, utilize raw disk directly, or exist within ASM logical volumes.[7]

Control files

The following parameters govern the size of the control files:

* maxlogfile
* maxlogmembers
* maxloghistory
* maxinstances
* control_file_record_keep_time

Database Schema

Oracle database conventions refer to defined groups of object ownership (generally associated with a "username") as schemas.

Most Oracle database installations traditionally came with a default schema called SCOTT. After the installation process has set up the sample tables, the user can log into the database with the username scott and the password tiger. The name of the SCOTT schema originated with Bruce Scott, one of the first employees at Oracle (then Software Development Laboratories), who had a cat named Tiger.[8]

Oracle Corporation has de-emphasized the use of the SCOTT schema, as it uses few of the features of the more recent releases of Oracle. Most recent examples supplied by Oracle Corporation reference the default HR or OE schemas.

Other default schemas[9][10] include:

System Global Area

Each Oracle instance uses a System Global Area or SGA—a shared-memory area—to store its data and control-information.[13]

Each Oracle instance allocates itself an SGA when it starts and de-allocates it at shut-down time. The information in the SGA consists of the following elements, each of which has a fixed size, established at instance startup:

Library cache

The library cache[14] stores shared SQL, caching the parse tree and the execution plan for every unique SQL statement. If multiple applications issue the same SQL statement, each application can access the shared SQL area. This reduces the amount of memory needed and reduces the processing-time used for parsing and execution planning.

Data dictionary cache

The data dictionary comprises a set of tables and views that map the structure of the database.

Oracle databases store information here about the logical and physical structure of the database. The data dictionary contains information such as:

The Oracle instance frequently accesses the data dictionary in order to parse SQL statements. The operation of Oracle depends on ready access to the data dictionary: performance bottlenecks in the data dictionary affect all Oracle users. Because of this, database administrators should make sure that the data dictionary cache[15] has sufficient capacity to cache this data. Without enough memory for the data-dictionary cache, users see a severe performance degradation. Allocating sufficient memory to the shared pool where the data dictionary cache resides precludes these particular performance problem.

Program Global Area

The Program Global Area[16][17] or PGA memory-area of an Oracle instance contains data and control-information for Oracle's server-processes.

The size and content of the PGA depends on the Oracle-server options installed. This area consists of the following components:

Dynamic performance views

The dynamic performance views (also known as "fixed views") within an Oracle database present information from virtual tables (X$ tables[18]) built on the basis of database memory.[19] Database users can access the V$ views (named after the prefix of their synonyms) to obtain information on database structures and performance.

Process architectures

Oracle processes

The Oracle RDBMS typically relies on a group of processes running simultaneously in the background and interacting to monitor and expedite database operations. Typical operating environments might include some of the following individual processes (shown along with their abbreviated nomenclature):[20]

User processes, connections and sessions

Oracle Database terminology distinguishes different computer-science terms in describing how end-users interact with the database:

Concurrency and locking

Oracle databases control simultaneous access to data resources with locks (alternatively documented as "enqueues"[30] ). The databases also utilize "latches" -- low-level serialization mechanisms to protect shared data structures in the System Global Area.[31]


Database administrators control many of the tunable variations in an Oracle instance by means of values in a parameter file.[32] This file in its ASCII default form ("pfile") normally has a name of the format init<SID-name>.ora. The default binary equivalent server paramater file ("spfile") (dynamically reconfigurable to some extent)[33] defaults to the format spfile<SID-name>.ora. Within an SQL-based environment, the views V$PARAMETER[34] and V$SPPARAMETER[35] give access to reading parameter values.


Oracle Database software comes in 63 language-versions (including regional variations such as British English and American English). Variations between versions cover the names of days and months, abbreviations, time-symbols such as A.M. and A.D., and sorting.[36]

Oracle Corporation has translated Oracle Database error-messages into Arabic, Catalan, Chinese, Czech, Danish, Dutch, English, Finnish, French, German, Greek, Hebrew, Hungarian, Italian, Japanese, Korean, Norwegian, Polish, Portuguese, Romanian, Russian, Slovak, Spanish, Swedish, Thai and Turkish.[37]

Oracle Corporation provides database developers with tools and mechanisms for producing internationalized database applications: referred to internally as "Globalization". [38] ".[39]


Corporate/technical timeline

Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) and Security Alerts

Oracle Critical Patch Updates (CPUs) and Security Alerts are released quarterly on the Tuesday closest to 17th day of the month. The general goal of the patches is to close security holes through which data theft may occurred.

Version numbering

Oracle products follow a custom release numbering and naming convention. With the Oracle RDBMS 10g release, Oracle Corporation began using the "10g" label in all versions of its major products, although some sources refer to Oracle Applications Release 11i as Oracle 11i. The suffixes "i" and "g" do not actually represent a low-order part of the version number, as letters typically represent in software industry version numbering; that is, there is no predecessor version of Oracle 10g called Oracle 10f. Instead, the letters stand for "internet" and "grid", respectively. Consequently many simply drop the "g" or "i" suffix when referring to specific versions of an Oracle product.

Major database-related products and some of their versions include:

Since version 5, Oracle's RDBMS release numbering has used the following codes:

The version-numbering syntax within each release follows the pattern: major.maintenance.application-server.component-specific.platform-specific.

For example, " for 64-bit Solaris" means: 10th major version of Oracle, maintenance level 2, Oracle Application Server (OracleAS) 0, level 1 for Solaris 64-bit.

The Oracle Administrator's Guide offers further information on Oracle release numbers.

Marketing editions

Over and above the different versions of the Oracle database management software developed over time, Oracle Corporation subdivides its product into varying "editions" - apparently for marketing and license-tracking reasons. (Do not confuse the marketing "editions" with the internal virtual versioning "editions" introduced with Oracle 11.2[45]). In approximate order of decreasing scale, we find:

Host platforms

Prior to releasing Oracle 9i in 2001, Oracle Corporation ported its database product to a wide variety of platforms. More recently Oracle Corporation has consolidated on a smaller range of operating-system platforms.

As of November 2011, Oracle Corporation supported the following operating systems and hardware platforms for Oracle Database 11g ( [54]:

Related software

Oracle products

Database options

Oracle Corporation refers to some extensions to the core functionality of the Oracle database as "database options".[57] As of 2008 such options include:

In most cases, using these options entails extra licensing costs.[64]


In addition to its RDBMS, Oracle Corporation has released several related suites of tools and applications relating to implementations of Oracle databases. For example:

Database "features"

Apart from the clearly defined database options, Oracle databases may include many semi-autonomous software sub-systems, which Oracle Corporation sometimes refers to as "features" in a sense subtly different from the normal usage of the word. For example, Oracle Data Guard counts officially as a "feature", but the command-stack within SQL*Plus, though a usability feature, does not appear in the list of "features" in Oracle's list. Such "features" may include (for example):

Standalone tools

Users can develop their own applications in Java and PL/SQL using tools such as:

Oracle Corporation has started a drive toward "wizard"-driven environments with a view to enabling non-programmers to produce simple data-driven applications.

Oracle SQL Developer, a free graphical tool for database development, allows developers to browse database objects, run SQL statements and SQL scripts, and edit and debug PL/SQL statements. It incorporates standard and customized reporting.

Oracle's OPatch provides patch management for Oracle databases.[81]

Other databases marketed by Oracle Corporation

By acquiring other technology in the database field, Oracle Corporation can also offer:


The Oracle RDBMS has had a reputation among novice users as difficult to install on Linux systems. Oracle Corporation has packaged recent versions for several popular Linux distributions in an attempt to minimize installation challenges beyond the level of technical expertise required to install a database server.

Official support

Users who have Oracle support contracts can use Oracle's "My Oracle Support" web site. The "My Oracle Support" site was known as MetaLink until a re-branding exercise completed in October 2010. The support site provides users of Oracle Corporation products with a repository of reported problems, diagnostic scripts and solutions. It also integrates with the provision of support tools, patches and upgrades.

The Remote Diagnostic Agent or RDA[83] can operate as a command-line diagnostic tool executing a script. The data captured provides an overview of the Oracle Database environment intended for diagnostic and trouble-shooting. Within RDA, the HCVE (Health Check Validation Engine)[84] can verify and isolate host system environmental issues that may affect the performance of Oracle software.

Database-related guidelines

Oracle Corporation also endorses certain practices and conventions as enhancing the use of its database products. These include:

Oracle Certification Program

The Oracle Certification Program, a professional certification program, includes the administration of Oracle Databases as one of its main certification paths. It contains three levels:

  1. Oracle Certified Associate (OCA)
  2. Oracle Certified Professional (OCP)
  3. Oracle Certified Master (OCM)

User groups

A variety of official (Oracle-sponsored) and unofficial Oracle User Groups has grown up of users and developers of Oracle databases. They include:

Market position


In the market for relational databases, Oracle Database competes against commercial products such as IBM's DB2 UDB and Microsoft SQL Server. Oracle and IBM tend to battle for the mid-range database market on UNIX and Linux platforms, while Microsoft dominates the mid-range database market on Microsoft Windows platforms. However, since they share many of the same customers, Oracle and IBM tend to support each other's products in many middleware and application categories (for example: WebSphere, PeopleSoft, and Siebel Systems CRM), and IBM's hardware divisions work closely with Oracle on performance-optimizing server-technologies (for example, Linux on zSeries). The two companies have a relationship perhaps best described as "coopetition". Niche commercial competitors include Teradata (in data warehousing and business intelligence), Software AG's ADABAS, Sybase, and IBM's Informix, among many others.

In 2007, competition with SAP AG occasioned litigation from Oracle Corporation.[85]

Increasingly, the Oracle database products compete against such open-source software relational database systems as PostgreSQL, Firebird, and MySQL. Oracle acquired Innobase, supplier of the InnoDB codebase to MySQL, in part to compete better against open source alternatives, and acquired Sun Microsystems, owner of MySQL, in 2010. Database products licensed as open source are, by the legal terms of the Open Source Definition, free to distribute and free of royalty or other licensing fees.


Oracle Corporation offers term licensing for all Oracle products. It bases the list price for a term-license on a specific percentage of the perpetual license price. Prospective purchasers can obtain licenses based either on the number of processors in their target server machines or on the number of potential seats ("named users").[86]

Enterprise Edition
As of July 2010, the database that costs the most per machine-processor among Oracle database editions, at $47,500 per processor. The term "per processor" for Enterprise Edition is defined with respect to physical cores and a processor core multiplier (common processors = 0.5*cores). e.g. An 8-processor, 32-core server using Intel Xeon 56XX CPUs would require 16 processor licenses.[87][88]
Standard Edition
Cheaper: it can run on up to four processors but has fewer features than Enterprise Edition—it lacks proper parallelization,[89] etc.; but remains quite suitable for running medium-sized applications.
Standard ONE
Sells even more cheaply, but remains limited to two CPUs. Standard Edition ONE sells on a per-seat basis with a five-user minimum. Oracle Corporation usually sells the licenses with an extra 22% cost for support and upgrades (access to MetaLink—Oracle Corporation's support site) which customers need to renew annually.
Oracle Express Edition (Oracle XE)
An addition to the Oracle database product family (beta version released in 2005, production version released in February 2006), offers a free version of the Oracle RDBMS, but one limited to 11 GB of user data and to 1 GB of memory used by the database (SGA+PGA).[90] XE will use no more than one CPU and lacks an internal JVM. XE runs only on Windows and on Linux, not on AIX, Solaris, HP-UX and the other operating systems available for other editions. Support is via a free Oracle Discussion Forum only.

As computers running Oracle often have eight or more processors, the software price can rise into the hundreds of thousands of dollars. The total cost of ownership often exceeds this, as large Oracle installations usually require experienced and trained database administrators to do the set-up properly. Because of the product's large installed base and available training courses, Oracle specialists in some areas have become a more abundant resource than those for more exotic databases. Oracle frequently provides special training offers for database-administrators.

On Linux, Oracle's certified configurations include Oracle's own Oracle Linux and other commercial Linux distributions (Red Hat Enterprise Linux 3, 4 and 5, SuSE SLES 8, 9 and 10, Asianux) which can cost in a range from a few hundred to a few thousand USD per year (depending on processor architecture and the support package purchased).

The Oracle database system can also install and run on freely available Linux distributions such as the Red Hat-based CentOS,[91] or Debian-based systems.[92]

See also


  1. ^ Lextrait, Vincent (January 2010). "The Programming Languages Beacon, v10.0". Retrieved 14 March 2010. 
  2. ^ "What's New". Retrieved 29 November 2010. 
  3. ^ "Welcome to Larryland". Guardian.,3604,215072,00.html. Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  4. ^ Bhakthavatsalam, Namrata (August 2008). "Glossary". Oracle Database Client quote = The SID automatically defaults to the database name portion of the global database name (sales in the example until you reach eight characters or enter a period. You can accept or change the default value.. Retrieved 2008-11-17. 
  5. ^ Alapati, Sam R. (2008). Expert Oracle Database 11g Administration. The expert's voice in Oracle. Apress. p. 170. ISBN 9781430210153. Retrieved 2010-07-07. "Oracle databases are logically divided into one or more tablespaces. An Oracle tablespace is a logical entity that contains the physical datafiles." 
  6. ^ Oracle Corporation, Oracle® Database Concepts 11g Release 1 (11.2),, 2011
  7. ^ Watkins, Bob (30 January 2007). "Look inside ASM disk groups with Oracle 10gR2's ASMCMD". ZDNet. Retrieved 2009-07-30. "In 10g, Oracle introduced a new kind of storage for its database product. Automatic Storage Management (ASM) is a logical volume manager that takes physical disk partitions and manages their contents [...] Until ASM, there were only two choices: file system storage and raw disk storage." 
  8. ^ Oracle FAQ
  9. ^ "Known schemas in Oracle". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  10. ^ "11g Default Schema". Retrieved 2010-10-26. 
  11. ^ "Optimizer plan stability definition". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  12. ^ "Oracle's sample schemas". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  13. ^ "Oracle Architecture, System Global Area". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  14. ^ "Oracle architecture, the library cache section". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  15. ^ "Oracle Architecture, data dictionary cache". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  16. ^ "Oracle architecture, Program Global Area section". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  17. ^ PGA Definition, Oracle Database Master Glossary
  18. ^ Bell, Mike (2002). "V$ views - don't leave $HOME without them" (PDF). New York Oracle users Group. pp. 59. Retrieved 2010-03-09. "X$ tables are fixed tables created in memory at database startup [...] V$ views are created on one or more X$ tables" 
  19. ^ Tony, Morales; et al. (October 2009). "Overview of the Dynamic Performance Views" (PDF). Oracle Database Reference 11g Release 2 (11.2). Oracle Corporation. p. 8-1. Retrieved 2010-03-09. "V$INDEXED_FIXED_COLUMN displays the columns in dynamic performance tables that are indexed (X$ tables)." 
  20. ^ "Oracle Process architecture concepts". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  21. ^ Antognini, Christian (2008). Troubleshooting Oracle Performance. Apress Series. Apress. p. 71. ISBN 9781590599174. Retrieved 2011-05-05. 
  22. ^ Debes, Norbert (2009). Secrets of the Oracle Database. Apress series. Apress. p. 173. ISBN 9781430219521. Retrieved 2011-05-02. "The job queue is handled by the job queue coordinator process CJQ0 and job queue slave processes (JNNN)." 
  23. ^ Niemiec, Richard (25 June 2007) "1.30. New Background Processes in 10g" Oracle Database 10g Performance Tuning: Tips & Techniques Oracle Press p. 967 ISBN 978-0-0722-6305-3 Retrieved 2009-08-12 "MMON Memory Monitor process is associated with the Automatic Workload Repository new features used for automatic problem detection and self-tuning. MMON writes out the required statistics for AWR on a scheduled basis." 
  24. ^ Safaribooksonline.comNiemiec, Richard (25 June 2007) "1.30. New Background Processes in 10g" Oracle Database 10g Performance Tuning: Tips & Techniques Oracle Press p. 967 ISBN 978-0-0722-6305-3 Retrieved 2009-08-12 "M000 These are MMON background slave (m000) processes." 
  25. ^ Dyke, Julian; Steve Shaw (2006). Pro Oracle database 10g RAC on Linux: installation, administration, and performance. Apress Series. Apress. p. 45. ISBN 9781590595244. Retrieved 2011-05-05. "In Oracle 10.1, a queue monitor coordinator (QMNC) process [...] dynamically spawns queue monitor slaves (q000 to q009)." 
  26. ^ Cyran, Michele; Paul Lane (2005). "Process Architecture". Oracle Database Concepts. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2008-08-13. "When a user runs an application program (such as a Pro*C program) or an Oracle tool (such as Enterprise Manager or SQL*Plus), Oracle creates a user process to run the user's application." 
  27. ^ Cyran, Michele; Paul Lane (2005). "Process Architecture". Oracle Database Concepts. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2008-08-13. "A connection is a communication pathway between a user process and an Oracle instance." 
  28. ^ Cyran, Michele; Paul Lane (2005). "Process Architecture". Oracle Database Concepts. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2008-08-13. "A session is a specific connection of a user to an Oracle instance through a user process" 
  29. ^ Morales, Tony (2008). "V$SESSION". Oracle Database Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle. Retrieved 2008-11-17. 
  30. ^ Chan, Immanuel (July 2008). "Glossary". Oracle Database Performance Tuning Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-04-29. "enqueue[:] This is another term for a lock." 
  31. ^ "Oracle Database Master Glossary: 11g Release 1 (11.1)". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-04-24. "latch[:] A simple, low-level serialization mechanism to protect shared data structures in the System Global Area." 
  32. ^ Strohm, Richard; et al. (October 2008). "Parameter Files". Oracle Database Concepts 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-07-14. "Parameter files contain a list of configuration parameters for that instance and database." 
  33. ^ Strohm, Richard; et al. (October 2008). "Initialization Parameter Files and Server Parameter Files". Oracle Database Concepts 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-07-14. 
  34. ^ Morales, Tony; et al. (April 2009). "V$PARAMETER". Oracle Database Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-07-14. "V$PARAMETER displays information about the initialization parameters that are currently in effect for the session." 
  35. ^ Morales, Tony; et al. (April 2009). "V$SPPARAMETER". Oracle Database Reference 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-07-14. "V$SPPARAMETER displays information about the contents of the server parameter file." 
  36. ^ "Locale Languages". Retrieved 2008-02-26. 
  37. ^ "Error Message Languages". Retrieved 2008-02-26. 
  38. ^ Arju, Md. Abdul; et al. (November 2010). "A complete RMAN shell script backup for Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g". A complete RMAN shell script backup for Oracle 8i, 9i, 10g, 11g. Md.Abdul Arju. Retrieved 2010-11-07. "A complete RMAN backup shell script that will work regardless of most used oracle version as well as most used unix operating system. In this script it is assumed that you are using recovery catalog for you rman backup." 
  39. ^ Shea, Cathy; et al. (September 2007). "Overview of Globalization Support". Oracle Database Globalization Support Guide 11g Release 1 (11.1). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-02-16. "In the past, Oracle referred to globalization support capabilities as National Language Support (NLS) features. NLS is actually a subset of globalization support. NLS is the ability to choose a national language and store data in a specific character set. Globalization support enables you to develop multilingual applications and software products that can be accessed and run from anywhere in the world simultaneously." 
  40. ^ As Larry Ellison said in an Oracle OpenWorld keynote presentation on 11 November 2007: "Who'd buy a version 1.0 from four guys in California?"
  41. ^ a b c d e
  42. ^ Compare
  43. ^ Harrison, Guy (2001). Oracle SQL high-performance tuning. Prentice Hall PTR Oracle series (2 ed.). Prentice Hall PTR. p. 590. ISBN 9780130123817. Retrieved 2011-01-20. "Aurora[:] The name of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) incorporated into Oracle8i." 
  44. ^ "Oracle Database 10g Sets New Record for TPC-H Three TB Benchmark". Retrieved 2008-01-31. 
  45. ^ Llewellyn, Bryn (July 2009). "Edition-Based Redefinition" (PDF). Redwood Shores, California: Oracle Corporation. p. 6. Retrieved 2010-03-09. "An edition is a [...] nonschema object type, uniquely identified [...] by just its name." 
  46. ^ Enterprise Edition
  47. ^ Standard Edition
  48. ^ Standard Edition One
  49. ^ Teodora, Vatuiu (2008-12-27). "Technologies solutions and Oracle instruments used in the accomplishment of executive informatics systems (EIS)" (PDF). MPRA: Munich Personal RePEc Archive. p. 1555. Retrieved 2011-05-09. "Oracle Database 10g Standard Edition One (SE1) is intended for business mediums with quite a low request of adaptation[...]" 
  50. ^ "Oracle Database 10g Express Edition". Oracle Technology Network. Oracle Corp.. Retrieved 2010-07-25. "Oracle Database 10g Express Edition (Oracle Database XE) is an entry-level, small-footprint database based on the Oracle Database 10g Release 2 code base that's free to develop, deploy, and distribute [...]" 
  51. ^ "Oracle Data Sheet" (PDF). Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  52. ^ "Oracle Database Lite 10g". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-06-23. "[...] for developing, deploying and managing applications for mobile and embedded environments." 
  53. ^ Greenwald, Rick; Stackowiak, Robert; Stern, Jonathan (2007). Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g. Essential Series (4 ed.). O'Reilly Media. p. 31. ISBN 9780596514549. Retrieved 2010-06-08. "Today, Oracle offers other embedded databases including TimesTen, Berkeley DB, and Oracle Database Lite." 
  54. ^
  55. ^ "Oracle and Secerno". Oracle Corporation. 2010. Retrieved 2010-10-18. "Secerno product[:] Oracle Database Firewall" 
  56. ^ "Oracle Database Fiorewall: Frequently Asked Questions". Oracle Technology Network. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2011-03-28. "It is designed to prevent SQL Injection attacks [...] It is [...] deployed on the network to monitor and secures database traffic coming through the network." 
  57. ^ Oracle database options
  58. ^ Alapati, Sam R.; Charles Kim (2007). Oracle database 11g: new features for DBAs and developers. Expert's voice in Oracle. Apress. p. 153. ISBN 9781590599105. Retrieved 2011-05-10. 
  59. ^ Adkoli, Anand; Rama Velpuri (2002). Oracle9i for Windows handbook. Oracle Press Series (2 ed.). McGraw-Hill Professional. p. 375. ISBN 9780072190922. Retrieved 2011-01-26. "Oracle Change Management Pack[:] A new feature available on Oracle9i allows you to track and make changes to database object definitions. You can compare two objects in different schemas or different databases." 
  60. ^ Choi, Phil (2005). "Oracle Database Change Management Pack". Oracle Enterprise Manager Concepts, 10g Release 2 (10.2). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2011-01-26. "This pack gives database administrators the ability to evaluate, plan for, and implement database schema changes to support new application requirements without error and data loss while minimizing downtime." 
  61. ^ See
  62. ^ "Real Application Testing Overview". Oracle Corporation. August 2007. Retrieved 2008-05-19. 
  63. ^ Shaharear, Mohammad Hasan; et al. (December 2008). "installation of Oracle Text on 10g". installation of Oracle Text on 10g. Mohammad Hasan Shaharear. Retrieved 2011-12-08. "installation of Oracle Text on 10g" 
  64. ^ See "Term licenses" at for various markets/countries.
  65. ^ "Oracle Programmer/2000" (PDF). Oracle Corporation.$FILE/Oracle%20Programmer%202000%20data%20sheet%20Feb97.pdf. Retrieved 2009-02-25. "Oracle Programmer/2000 is a suite of programmatic interfaces that allows you to access and manipulate Oracle7 data and schemas. Programmer/2000 provides a rich set of interfaces and supports many programming languages, allowing the programmer to use the programming language and the programming paradigm of choice." 
  66. ^ "Other Ways of Working with Oracle". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-02-25. "Programmer/2000[:] a set of 3GL programming language interfaces" 
  67. ^ Desbiens, Frédéric; Peter Moskovits, Philipp Weckerle (2009). Oracle WebCenter 11g Handbook: Build Rich, Customizable Enterprise 2.0 Applications. Osborne ORACLE Press Series. McGraw Hill Professional. 189. ISBN 9780071629324. Retrieved 2011-05-09. "Oracle WebCenter Suite includes Content Server [...]" 
  68. ^ Alapati, Sam R. (2005) Expert Oracle database 10g administration Apress p. 845 ISBN 9781590594513 Retrieved 2009-05-25 "... ASH records very recent session activity (within the last five or ten minutes)." 
  69. ^ "Oracle Database Workload Performance Measurement and Tuning Toolkit". Issues in Informing Science and Information Technology 3: 371–381. 2006. Retrieved 2010-02-05. "Statspack utility consists of a set of Programming Language/Structured Query Language (PL/SQL) scripts, executed against the database, in order to gather, store data and metrics, and generates reports of the database activity" 
  70. ^ "Overview of Oracle Data Pump". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  71. ^ Greenwald, Rick; Robert Stackowiak, Jonathan Stern (November 2007). Oracle Essentials: Oracle Database 11g. O'Reilly. p. 184. ISBN 978-0596514549. "The Database Resource Manager (DRM) was first introduced in Oracle 8i [...] to place limits on the amount of computer resources that can be used [...]" 
  72. ^ Ault, Mike; Liu, Daniel; Tumma, Madhu (2003). Don Burleson. ed. Oracle Database 10g New Features: Oracle 10g Reference for Advanced Tuning & Administration. Oracle In-Focus series. Rampant TechPress. p. 51. ISBN 9780974071602. Retrieved 2011-11-16. "In the fast-start parallel rollback method, the background process SMON [...] rolls back a set of transactions in parallel [...] This feature is particularly useful when a system has transactions that run a long time before committing [...]" 
  73. ^ "Feature Availability by Edition". Oracle Database Licensing Information 11g Release 1 (11.1) Part Number B28287-08. Oracle Corporation. May 2008. Retrieved 2008-08-19. 
  74. ^ Nanda, Arup. "Auditing Tells All". Oracle Database 10g: The Top 20 Features for DBAs. Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2008-08-19. "...the standard audit (available in all versions) and the fine-grained audit (available in Oracle 9i and up ..." 
  75. ^
  76. ^ "Oracle Product Accessibility Status: Database Server Enterprise Edition". Oracle Corporation. 2 June 2008. Retrieved 2009-04-14. 
  77. ^ "Oracle Data Provider for .NET". Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2009-05-07. "The Oracle Data Provider for .NET (ODP.NET) features optimized ADO.NET data access to the Oracle database." 
  78. ^ Greenwald, Rick; Stackowiak, Robert; Alam, Maqsood; Bhuller, Mans (2011). Achieving Extreme Performance with Oracle Exadata. Osborne ORACLE Press Series. McGraw-Hill Prof Med/Tech. p. 328. ISBN 9780071752596. Retrieved 2011-10-12. "The UCP is a Java-basd connection pool that supports JDBC, the Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) and Java EE Connector Architecture (JCA) connection types from any middle tier." 
  79. ^ "Virtual Private Database" appears listed as a feature available as part of Oracle Enterprise Edition in: Manmeet Ahluwalia; et al. (October 2009). "Feature Availability by Edition". Oracle Database Licensing Information 11g Release 2 (11.2). Oracle Corporation. Retrieved 2010-02-09. 
  80. ^ Kate, Aniket; Menezes, Bernard; Singh, Ashish (December 2005). "Security/Privacy Issues in Providing Database as a Service". Proceedings of 3rd International Conference on E-Governance, ICEG 2005. Lahore: Lahore University of Management Sciences. pp. 156–159. Retrieved 2010-02-09. "Oracle's Virtual Private Database (VPD) [...] is a practically implemented model for fine-grained access control wherein one or more security policies are attached to each table and view in the database. These polices are sets of functions coded in PL/SQL, C or Java. A user query that accesses a table or view having a security policy, is dynamically and transparently modified by appending a predicate. This predicate is returned by the policy function for the relation/view and is a function of the user who has fired the query. A secure application context is created for each user at log in." 
  81. ^ Kuhn, Darl; Kim, Charles; Lopuz, Bernard (2008). Linux Recipes for Oracle DBAs. Apress Series. Apress. p. 275. ISBN 9781430215752. Retrieved 2011-12-05. "OPatch is a collection of Perl scripts and Java classes providing the capability to apply and roll back interim (one-off) patches to an Oracle database environment." 
  82. ^ Taft, Darryl K (2011-10-18). "Oracle to Boost Data Management With Endeca Buy". eWeek. Ziff Davis. Retrieved 2011-11-03. "Oracle also announced the Oracle NoSQL Database, a distributed, highly scalable, key-value database." 
  83. ^ "Advanced MetaLink" (PDF). Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  84. ^ Rea, Stephen (16 September 2008). "Upgrading Oracle to on AIX 5.2". University of Arkansas. Retrieved 2009-08-11. "Run the PreInstall checklist for Oracle 10.2.0 (Metalink Note 250262.1: RDA 4 - Health Check / Validation Engine Guide): The Health Check Validation Engine (HCVE) rule set for Oracle Database 10g R2 (10.2.0) PreInstall (AIX) is described in:" 
  85. ^ About the case in Hungarian
  86. ^ Kreines, David C. (2005). Oracle DBA Pocket Guide. Pocket References Series. O'Reilly Media, Inc.. p. 16. ISBN 9780596100490. Retrieved 2010-08-10. "Oracle products are currently licensed using two different licensing models: Per Named User. [...] Per Processor [...]" 
  87. ^ "Oracle Technology Global Price List". Oracle Corporation. 2010-06-14. Retrieved 2010-07-13. 
  88. ^ "Processor Core Factor Table". Retrieved 2011-04-08. 
  89. ^ Oracle Database Licensing Information Database Editions
  90. ^ Licensing Restrictions
  91. ^ "Installation centos; official Oracle Wiki". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 
  92. ^ "Installation on Debian-based systems; official Oracle Wiki". Retrieved 2009-12-19. 


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